Body Control Pilates is based on the work of Joseph Pilates (1880 - 1967), who created a series of exercises that build strength without adding bulk, and balanced that strength with flexibility.
He developed a series of exercises that are based on the 8 Principles of Pilates:
Alignment (precision of movement)
Centring (awareness of core stability)
Flowing movements
Stamina (muscular endurance)
All the exercises that you will learn are based on this and as your experience grows we develop these exercises to learn the Pilates Method.
The Pilates Method
The Pilates Method is a type of physical and mental conditioning using well designed, choreographed movements properly performed and in a balanced sequence. The emphasis is not on quantity, but on quality. It is a mindful form of exercise where each movement is performed consciously, with slow control and with a particular breathing pattern. The complete mat method works every muscle group in the body with special attention to the muscles which stabilise the joints.